holding hope for
new possibilities & potential
Psalm Sung Blue
Hope in Suffering "Oh, I'm so sad!" I told my husband who had just walked into the kitchen to Keurig his first cup of coffee one cold January morning. Naturally, and with a curiousness in his voice, he responded "Why are you sad? I replied, "I just finished reading...
We Love to Selfie!
Cookie (our little granddaughter) got her mom's camera and actually took a selfie!! What could make an 18 month old take a selfie? Obviously, she doesn't know she took a selfie, she's just obsessed with what that little computer in her hand is doing. Whether you like...
Clouds In My Coffee
Making Your Spiritual Health a Priority The kitchen table became my pillow one day as I was so lethargic that I laid my head down and didn't want to move. Thinking something was wrong with me, I headed to the doctor and the diagnosis was stress. My body was in...
No More FOMO?
Fear. Of. Missing. Out. Do you have a fear of missing out? FO·MO/ˈfōmō/nounINFORMAL Anxiety that an exciting or interesting event may currently be happening elsewhere, often aroused by posts seen on a social media website. Dictionary.com 2018 Because of social media,...
Four Steps to Cultivating Faith
I have a mountain to move. Maybe you do to. My mountain is daunting and I feel paralyzed at times when I think about how I'm going to get up and over it. Maybe yours is daunting too. Your mountain may resemble mine or it may be something completely different. In fact,...
Broken Love (Part Two)
As I took my dad to his final oncology appointment, I could sense the nervousness. I wanted the walls I had built up to fall and I wanted to be brave enough to love my dad as Jesus has loved me. Voskamp explains: "[be] brave enough to lay your heart out there to be...
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