holding hope for
new possibilities & potential
5 Ways to Help You Bloom in 2021 and Beyond
How I Came About the Idea of B.L.O.O.M. By Guest Blogger Megan Canady As a massage therapist, most of my deep "come to Jesus" thoughts happen during my massage sessions. There is something about the calm stillness that allows me to get outside of my mind and listen to...
How To Shift Your Mindset
The health of our mindset matters because our mindset drives everything that happens to us. Let’s face it no one wakes up each morning and sets out to diminish the health of their mindset. But it happens by way of all the stuff we have on our plates especially in 2020. And consequently we undervalue the importance of our mindset.
How Are You?
Mood. Frame of mind. State of mind. Emotional state."A temporary state of mind or feeling." "A conscious state of mind or predominant emotion."Dictionary.com/Merriam Webster Lots of moods going on in me. I feel it in my body. My heart feels challenged. I'm fatigued....
Learning How To Respond in a Hard Conversation
Faithful are the wounds of a friend.Proverbs 27: 6a Hard conversations can be about unmet expectations, infertility, selfishness, inattentiveness,un-forgiveness, pride, anger, righteous behavior, insecurities and more. I’m sure you could add yours to the list.Here is...
3 Things You Can Do To Help Shift Your Perspective in the Midst of This Pandemic
We rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, 4 and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, 5 and hope does not put us to shame, because God's love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given...
The Good Is Him
This is Brodie. The doggie I didn’t want. Several years ago after losing our beloved Golden Retriever Sadie I was not looking for another doggie. Our daughter, who had just fallen in love with her new Chiweenie puppy, thought it would be a great idea to rescue another...
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