holding hope for
new possibilities & potential
Daily Pain?
One of my favorite things about France was seeing all the people carrying their "daily pain" from the tiny bakeries that dotted every street. I soon learned that pain in French means bread and that french people love their pain and I wanted what they had! I wanted to...
The Good is Him
This is Brodie. The doggie I didn't want. Several years ago after losing our beloved Golden Retriever Sadie I was not looking for another doggie. Our daughter, who had just fallen in love with her new Chiweenie puppy, thought it would be a great idea to rescue another...
Reducing Anxiety!
Such a fun morning exploring Papago Park in Arizona. Climbing up the beautiful red rock formed millions of years ago produced anxiety in me as I trekked up the incline of sliding rocks searching for a strong footing. I charged through and with some helping hands of...
The Big Reveal!
The Big Reveal! Lifeovercoffeeblog.com When I was in my early thirties, my husband and I were playing a round of golf with several of our friends from church. The nine hole, short course was fun but also challenging. I stepped up to the tee to drive the ball to the...
Taste and See That The Lord Is Good!
Taste and See That The Lord Is Good! One year ago today... I was on my way to speak at Mt. Hermon for the Church of The Foothills Women's Retreat. The weekend was going to be my first time at Mt. Hermon and the focus for the weekend would be peace. Hit from behind by...
Hacked on the First Day of the New Year
Hacked on the First Day of the New Year Finding Joy Yup - got the text from my bank and then the fraud unit call that they had detected unusual activity on my debit card. New York, Arkansas, Maine, and Arizona saw activity today on the first day of the new year from...
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