Coach • Thinking partner
Encourager • Speaker • Writer
I love unlocking potential and holding hope
for future possibilities for my clients

coaching by me for you

As your coach I will help you discover new paths to break down barriers that have kept you from moving forward in your life.

Are you wanting to:
  • Identify your core values and passions
  • Discover your leadership style
  • Create awareness around your blind spots in leadership
  • Learn how to be better at setting and maintaining boundaries
  • Learn about tolerations
  • Get into a rhythm of growing your faith
  • Make a career transition
  • Get organized
  • Re-Brand yourself
  • Strategize and brainstorm plans you have for an upcoming event
  • Learn how to put together a presentation
  • Grow your awareness of your emotional intelligence

Coaching is a partnership built on trust 

I can help you break through your limited beliefs and I will challenge you to think differently and bigger to reach your goals.

I will guide you to an action plan, setting up new goals and next steps while helping you manage your progress and accountability to reach your dreams!

I will listen at a deep level to all that’s being said and going on in our conversation.

jackie helps me move forward when I’m stuck

Often times, when I’m stuck with a situation, be it monetary, staff or customer, I turn to Jackie for movement forward. Her coaching, wisdom and prayers have helped me move forward emotionally, spiritually and professionally. Jackie has helped in my transformation process instilling in me a desire to discover for myself the next steps which builds my confidence, quells my fears, and keeps my reliance and vision focused on our faithful, loving God. Her friendship is invaluable to me.”  ~ Katie C.

Ready to get Started? Schedule a Call!

15 + 7 =

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Jackie Adams, PCC, CMC, CTC

Professional Certified Coach
Certified Mentor Coach
Certified Transformation Coach
ICF – International Coach Federation


Copyright © 2024 Jackie Ann Adams
Design • Hope Imagination


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