holding hope for
new possibilities & potential
My Prison of Fear: 5 Keys to Unlocking the Door
My Prison of Fear 5 Keys that Help Unlock the Door I never thought that I would be in a prison but several years ago while on a mission trip to Mexico I had the opportunity to share my God story at a women’s prison. Met by armed guards that checked our Bible’s and...
Total Loss? Having Certainty in God’s Unstoppable Plan in the Midst of Loss
My car was rendered a total loss from an accident a few weeks ago where a distracted driver traveling at a high rate of speed hit my car and then went air born landing on the car in front of us. By God’s grace and protection EVERYONE including the driver walked away...
3 Things: #dogood #volunteer #nonprofits
#dogood, #volunteer, #nonprofits! What does it look like to “be the living proof of a loving God” (www.vintagegrace.org) in our community? We know the needs are HUGE both locally and globally and it can overwhelm us to do good because we think our little effort...
Sharing What You Care About
Recently we celebrated the wedding of our middle daughter Leslie and her new husband Johnny. It was a beautiful day, beautiful ceremony and a beautiful picture of God's love for each of us. After the wedding I couldn't help but share the pictures I had from the day...
Encouraging Women to know God’s love is a passion of mine!
I am passionate about encouraging women to know how much they are loved by God helping them to "grow in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ"(2 Peter 3:18).I am so thankful that I am loved so lavishly by Jesus - and because of that love - I want to share it...
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