Mood. Frame of mind. State of mind. Emotional state.

“A temporary state of mind or feeling.”

“A conscious state of mind or predominant emotion.” Webster

Lots of moods going on in me. I feel it in my body. My heart feels challenged. I’m fatigued. It’s hard to relax and try to think normal thoughts. I’m guessing it’s the same with some of you too. Some days feel more temporary than others, but all are definitely in my consciousness and definitely predominant emotions erupt. There have been ups, downs, turns, and twists as if I’m riding a roller coaster. I’m ready to get off now.

Moods Have Purpose

Moods and emotions actually play a role in our bodies. They are indicators of something. What we value, what we feel strongly about, what we don’t care about, etc. They can make us feel sad, helpless, angry, hurt, bitter, or judgmental and if we let them they can and will hijack our thoughts and behaviors and affect our attitudes. We might think we are hiding them well, but feelings buried alive always find a way to the surface.

Games are Won in Practice

We know that games are won in practice and most of us don’t like practice. We want a quick and easy win. But to truly win the game of our moods and emotions, especially in such a time as this, we have to start practicing. I know I don’t want to keep feeling fatigued and hijacked by my moods and emotions.

The goal then is to acknowledge our moods and emotions. Seeking to work through why we might be having a mood or being emotional. Recognize that our feelings are stronger than our thoughts, and that we are not bad or wrong if we have good feelings or bad feelings about something, we just recognize that we have feelings about something. From there we can then think about how we would like to feel (not moody all the time) and take steps to work through those feelings and get on the other side sooner rather than later.

Just like in practice, it will be challenging, and will take effort. It might take learning a new skill or dusting off an old one. It’s going to take commitment when we don’t ‘feel’ like it to track feelings, emotions, sensations, states of being, sensing, mood and awareness. Use a journal or an app to record the feels. Resist the temptation to skip practice. Don’t give up.

So we’re not giving up. How could we! Even though on the outside it often looks like things are falling apart on us, on the inside, where God is making new life, not a day goes by without his unfolding grace. These hard times are small potatoes compared to the coming good times, the lavish celebration prepared for us. There’s far more here than meets the eye. The things we see now are here today, gone tomorrow. But the things we can’t see now will last forever.

2 Corinthians 4:18, MSG

So How Are You?

It’s a lot. I know because I feel it too. I see it all over social media and the news and it has and can overwhelm us. We need each other to share, connect and simply just be with each other.

If you want someone to help you process your moods and emotions to move forward, leave me a comment or email me or jump on my social media and message me. For my email subscribers only, I’m suspending my fees for 3 sessions of coaching per person for the remainder of 2020 because helping others, helps me process my moods and emotions.

Coaching is not counseling, it’s not mentoring, it’s not consulting. It’s coming alongside people who want to make change, who feel stuck in their moods and emotions but want to desperately move forward in their lives. I won’t be telling you what to do, but I will be there to listen and ask questions to guide your process of discovery to help close the gap between your present state and your desired state.

We’ve got to live free from our hijacked moods and emotions so we can love others deeply.

For you have been called to live in freedom, my brothers and sisters. But don’t use your freedom to satisfy your sinful nature. Instead, use your freedom to serve one another in love.

Galatians 5:13, NLT

Serving you in love, your sister in Christ,


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