Pedaling in the Same Old Thinking Cycle?

Pedaling in the Same Old Thinking Cycle?

 Pedaling in the Same Old Thinking Cycle? My thinking was making me physically sick. My stomach ached for days as I let anxiety tighten its grip. I wanted to will myself to stop pedaling to get out of the same old thinking and the same old results cycle, but it...

Evidence of Transformation

Evidence of Transformation Are you transforming? Take the quiz. My new friend and I met at the park. We were drawn to each other by our doggies and we struck up a conversation about life, faith and grief.  Listening to her share her grief story and how she lost her...

Coaching Beyond a Reasonable Doubt

Coaching Beyond a Reasonable Doubt Verdict or Transformation? I waited all day to check the status of whether or not I would have to serve as a juror. When it was time, I checked online and saw that my presence was required the next day at the courthouse. Not...

My Prison of Fear: 5 Keys to Unlocking the Door

My Prison of Fear 5 Keys that Help Unlock the Door I never thought that I would be in a prison but several years ago while on a mission trip to Mexico I had the opportunity to share my God story at a women’s prison. Met by armed guards that checked our Bible’s and...

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