holding hope for
new possibilities & potential
Broken Love (Part One)
After my dad went home to be with Jesus on May 6th, 2018, I came home and went straight to the box that held all of our family pictures. The collection of photos of my dad was small and pictures of me with my dad was even smaller (that makes me sad just writing that)....
Sharing Life Over Coffee
Percolating around in my heart and mind is the thought of how we all love broken. Letting our expectations of what we hope, think or want, inform our relationships only to be disappointed when they don't meet up to those expectations is what's been brewing. As it...
Join Me
Hey Everyone! Working on the next blog post titled "Broken Love" and how we all love broken, but I'm taking a break from writing and twenty million other things to update you all on a few things and ask you to join me in something that has been bubbling up from my...
Three Steps to Conquering the Worry Cycle
Had a conversation recently with a young woman who was struggling with worry and the physical consequences of anxiety. As she shared, I could relate because I have lived it and I know it well. I know how worry keeps me from thinking and feeling rightly, which then...
He Loves Me: Grasping How Loved You Are By God
Ever played he loves me, he loves me not growing up? Plucking petals and hoping that the last petal would seal your future in love? Have you ever played this game with God's love? Isn't that what we do when we really don't understand the depth of the love that God has...
Pulling the Curtain on 2017
I don't think I have ever had a year like 2017. A lot of tears, fears, and unknowns that required a deep dive into what it means and looks like to trust God through the 365 days of highs and lows. The greatest high of 2017 was meeting our first granddaughter...
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